Overseas Recruitment Agency

Hiring Overseas Workers in Exeter

Sourcing flexible skilled/unskilled labour for the Exeter region is the core strength of Acorn Recruitment, it really is the foundation of our business.


Exeter workers


Acorn have a firm footing in the Exeter area, we provide local businesses with an array of employment solutions.

We have the ability to fully understand the requirements of a company, this allows us to source the right people, with the right credentials.

Acorn is a regional agency dedicated to serving the employer. Our flexible approach allows us to provide a managed or self managed service.

Please note our success in providing skilled labour is second to none.

Our company fully understands the UK’s new legislation surrounding sponsored visas and the points-based system. A complicated subject that needs to be got right if overseas labour is to be utilised.

If you would like more details on our services in and around Exeter please email enquiries@acornrecruitmentsw.co.uk